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Cosmic Stir Fry

This sculpture is a critique on how massive fossil fuel companies are contributing to the destruction of the planet through global warming. At the table, the name tags read "Wes Edens, Gazprom and Circle K Ireland Energy Group LTD". Wes Edens is a US billionaire who has poured money into data centres in Ireland. These data centres will increase the electricity demand in Ireland by 30%. The only way to compensate for this increase in power is to burn more fossil fuels. Because of Wes Edens' "appetite for money", more fossil fuels are being burned by companies such as the aforementioned Gazprom and Circle K, the leading companies dealing in fossil fuels in the US and Ireland respectively. The planets in the pan represent a theory suggesting that had Mars contained water in quantities such as those on Earth, it would resemble Earth quite closely. The sculpture shown animates the cooking of our Earth in fossil fuel oils until Earth is overcooked, eventually becoming Mars.

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